The Four Pillars Of Marriage

  Welcome to another Relationship Wednesday on the blog and today we will be talking the FOUR PILLARS OF MARRIAGE. Looking to build a SOLID foundation for your marriage, kick back, enjoy this and share with your friends… This was preached by Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo…our Senior Pastor. It is sad when a marriage fails, it […]

#LDM Why Marry

Good day everybody and welcome to another blog on Relationship. Isn’t it just amazing how we can get GODLY perspective on Love, Dating and  Marriage? It is our joy to bring this to you weekly right on the blog, and it is our prayer that what we share has a huge positive impact on your […]

Difference Between a Contract and a Covenant (Marriage 101)

Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo ministering Matthew 19 vs 2-10. Marriage is a covenant. An understanding of marriage being a covenant, it will help the choices you make. Malachi 2:13-14 Marriage is not a contract, it’s a covenant. Once you get to pick or see marriage as a contract, it is usually subject to abuse. Covenant is […]

Handling Power, Money and Sex in Marriage

  Hey everyone and welcome to another RELATIONSHIP Blog post from our Love Dating and Marriage, preached by Pastor M This week promises to be super exciting as we discus so jump right in… The three things that cause a lot of friction in marriage usually are power, money and sex. Today we will be […]

What Marriage is Not.

  This message by our Mama Pastor Mildred will totally bless you. Enjoy and Share… The first thing, I need you to understand is that, marriage is not a necessary evil, marriage is a choice. When it comes to marriage especially for a woman, it is an assignment not a reward. MARRIAGE IS AN ASSIGNMENT […]

When Divorce is the Only Option.

Good day and welcome to the relationship segment of our blog. We are so glad to have you join us today. This week’s topic is a much needed one in a society that divorce is becoming rife. PK shares biblical truths on DIVORCE and God’s stance on it. This is a good one and we […]

Why Marry

Good day everybody and welcome to another blog on Relationship. Isn’t it just amazing how we can get GODLY perspective on Love, Dating and Marriage? It is our joy to bring this to you weekly right on the blog, and it is our prayer that what we share has a huge positive impact on your […]

7 Wrong Reasons Why People Marry

Hey everyone and welcome to another RELATIONSHIP Blog post from our Love Dating and Marriage, preached by Pastor K This week promises to be super exciting as we discus so jump right in… If you are entering a relationship for the wrong reason, you are most likely entering with the wrong person. If you are […]

Broken Promises.

Hey everyone and welcome to another RELATIONSHIP Blog post from our Love Dating and Marriage, preached by Pastor K This week promises to be super exciting as we discus so jump right in… Everywhere you look right now, there is an opinion or counsel on relationships. Everyone believes they have a say on relationships, they […]

Beyond Face Value

Another Wednesday on the blog means another Relationship series just for you. This week, we blog on BEYOND FACE VALUE… A message preached by Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo. In a world full of filters and photoshop, marriage considerations requires that you look BEYOND FACE VALUE, and this message is here to set you on the right […]