Hey everyone and welcome to another RELATIONSHIP Blog post from our Love
Dating and Marriage, preached by Pastor K This week promises to be super exciting as we discus so jump right in…

If you are entering a relationship for the wrong reason, you are most likely entering with the wrong person. If you are marrying for the wrong reason, you are most likely marrying the wrong person.

7 wrong reasons people enter into relationships.

1. Fear

The fear of getting old at times make people get into a relationship with the wrong person. One thing you need to understand is that this life is a personal journey and race. The race of life is not a race against people, the race of life is a race against time. The race is to get into purpose and fulfill it at the right time. Stop trying to do things because it is the general thing, do things because that is what God wants you to do. Don’t let fear be a motivation for getting married, don’t feel pressured to marry anyone because your time is going. It is not who does it first or how fast that counts, it is how well.

2. Covetousness

With the economic situation of this present time, a lot of people want to get married because of financial security. Some people sit outside church just to check out the cars single people bring to church. They want to get married because they believe that person will save their families and entire generation from poverty. What many fail to understand is that marriage is like a long distance race. When you are starting a long distance race, you feel energized, happy and very motivated. You will think you are ready when you start but after a while you will realize that the excitement you started with will begin to reduce. If you underestimate how long the journey is and marry for the wrong reason, you will not enjoy the journey, you will endure it. If you marry for money, the moment you get the money, things will change , the motivation will change. Do not marry for money. Believe God to bless you too fiancially.

Proverbs 10:22

“The blessing of God maketh rich and adds no sorrow to it.”

3. Prophecy and Spiritual Revelation

Don’t marry someone because God told them you are their spouse. Whatever God told you is part of your own personal dealings with God. When you meet the person God is leading you to, cultivate a friendship with the person first to confirm if what you are hearing is right. God can never be wrong, but it is possible for you to hear God wrongly. It is normal because we are humans and as humans at times, we can be genuinely wrong. We did not set out or plan to be wrong, we are just genuinely wrong. It is possible you thought you heard God but instead heard your emotions.  As a lady, if a man comes to propose to you by telling you “God told me to marry you” Tell him you need to be convinced also. God also needs to tell you too. A lot of women fall prey to manipulations in the name of prophecy because they lack spiritual depth . Don’t marry a man you are not spiritually convinced about. Marriage is a lifetime commitment; you cannot do it based on someone else’s conviction.  Do not let anyone manage you because of a spiritual conviction they had if the person giving the prophecy is a Cardinal, a Bishop, a Pope, a Reverend, do not marry a man solely because of that prophecy. A prophecy should confirm what you already know. Be spiritually convinced for yourself. Pray, and ask God to tell you.

4.  Parental Pressure

Do not make a permanent decision based on a temporary situation. Some people have married the wrong people because of parental pressure. Do not marry solely because of what your parents think or say. Your parents are authorities in your life and you should obey them.

Ephesian 6:1

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”

However, your parents are creatures of God. If what they are saying is not in line with the word of God and especially what He has told you concerning marriage, you are not obligated to obey them.

5.  Sex Related Reasons

That you got disvirgined by a man doesn’t mean you have to marry him, especially if he is not a God sensitive man. Usually, there is an attachment that comes with sex because of the covenant nature of sex but that is not enough reason to get married. Pregnancy is not enough reason to get married. It is better to raise your child alone than marry a man who you do not love because you want your child to grow up with his father. Do not marry because of sex. That {s]he is good in bed doesn’t mean he is fit for marriage. There is more to marriage than sex.

6. Pity

Do not marry out of pity. It is not everyone God brings into your life for marriage. At times, some people are in your life for just friendship and mentoring but not marriage. As a lady don’t marry a man just because he is financially committed to you. That he pays your school fees doesn’t mean you should marry him. School fees is not dowry. Do not marry out of pity, your tolerance level will not be able to handle it after a while. Marriage cannot be sustained by pity. A lot of adultery in marriage can be traced to this, marrying out of pity only to realize you don’t love the person.

7. Emergencies and Career Related Reasons

There are some jobs that are reserved for just married people and in order to get it, some people end up marrying people they do not love. Do not marry anyone because of a job position or because of documents. Documents will wear out, their validity will expire, you can lose that job tomorrow but marriage is a lifetime commitment. Be very careful. Do not marry because of emergencies or pressure from your job.

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social media handles. We would also love for you to fellowship with us at DAVID’S CHRISTIAN CENTRE
Our service times are
Mainland: Fatgbems Filling station bus stop, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos.

Sundays: 7.30 and 9am
Wednesdays: 6.30pm

Island: Elegushi Bus stop, 3rd round about, Lekki.

Sundays: 10 am
Tuesdays: 6.30pm

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We cannot wait to hear from you…

Till next time, please say this COVENANT we have out loud with us,